New Formulas vs Original Formula. Why the Change?

When we started making our unique custom CBD formulations over six years ago, we used the best ingredients we could find using the most gentle extraction process that maintained all of the vital health promoting properties. We have not changed much over the years as there was never a reason to make many changes. We were (and still) proud of our first formulations. When we did make changes to a product, it was always for the better. We never took steps backwards or cut corners on our products.

As the science and our understanding of cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system has evolved, our understanding of how CBD can be better utilized by the body has become more clear. Over the last year we were excited to discover a natural technology that gave us something more effective while maintaining important whole plant integrity, maximum bioavailability, and no need for emulsifiers.

Cellular Deconstruction™ Technology (CDT) uses NO solvents, chemicals, harsh temperatures or extreme pressure. All of the cannabinoids and terpenes are preserved in a molecular size that the body can quickly utilize. This refinement process also allows us to remove some of the unpleasant tasting plant waxes and chlorophyll. You’ll notice a lighter color and more mellow tasting tincture, but all the wonderful properties are still there working faster and stronger than ever, even at a lower potency. The same ingredients we’ve always used with faster action and more absorption. We hope you love it as much as we do.

Curried Seaweed Soup

Curried Seaweed Soup

Rich in essential iodine, this comforting soup is one of my favorites to nourish the thyroid and support our endocrine system. We need iodine to produce thyroxine (T4) which gets converted to triiodothyronine (T3) which helps regulate our metabolism. Every cell in our body has a thyroid hormone receptor and because iodine is found almost exclusively in ocean vegetables and seafood, the majority of the world’s population is actually deficient. Kelp and kombu (a variety of kelp) contains the highest amounts of iodine, plus they add a nice bit of umami to this flavorful soup.

Please note,  if you have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or Grave’s disease, both autoimmune diseases of the thyroid, this should be enjoyed in moderation as high doses of iodine could worsen symptoms.

Curried Seaweed Soup

Makes 3-4 servings

Prep Time 20 Minutes


2/3 cup (24 g) loosely packed dried wild Atlantic Kombu

3/4 cup (175 ml) hot water

Soup Base

2 1/2 cups (570 ml) very hot water

3 tablespoons(32 g) chickpea miso

2 tablespoons (24 g) coconut oil

1 1/2 tablespoons (23 ml) lemon juice

1 tablespoon (6 g) curry powder

1 tablespoon (8 g) grated ginger

1 to 2 Medjool dates, pitted

For the seaweed, place the dried kombu in a small bowl of 3/4 cup hot water and allow to soak for 20 minutes. Reserve the soaking liquid.

For the soup, blend all the ingredients in the soup base, as well as the kombu and soaking liquid, in a blender until smooth. Adjust seasonings to taste. This recipe is a raw food friendly recipe. For those who like a warmer soup, warm gently over the stovetop. This soup keeps for 3 days in the refrigerator.

From the book Raw & Simple DETOX by Judita Wignall. Copyright 2015 Quarry Books.

Curried Seaweed Soup

How To Find Your Perfect Dose

CBD tincture

Did you know CBD doesn’t have an official serving size? That’s because we all have our own unique bio individuality and needs. Some folks can feel CBD working from the smallest dose, while some need 300mg to feel a difference. If you’re wondering where to start, we recommend our 750mg size. A 1mL dropper has 25mg of CBD per serving. Start with 1mL per day and see if you notice any benefits. From there add another serving until you see changes in mood, sleep, mobility, etc. Can you overdose? Not really, but if you feel excessive dry mouth, sleepiness (during the day), or low blood pressure/heart rate then reduce your dosage. Using it daily and consistently will yield much better results over using it only as needed. You may find you need less over time as your cells become saturated with cannabinoids. CBD acts on 60 different molecular pathways so consistent use may give us an edge in overall heath and feeling of wellbeing and balance.