Did you know CBD doesn’t have an official serving size? That’s because we all have our own unique bio individuality and needs. Some folks can feel CBD working from the smallest dose, while some need 300mg to feel a difference. If you’re wondering where to start, we recommend our 750mg size. A 1mL dropper has 25mg of CBD per serving. Start with 1mL per day and see if you notice any benefits. From there add another serving until you see changes in mood, sleep, mobility, etc. Can you overdose? Not really, but if you feel excessive dry mouth, sleepiness (during the day), or low blood pressure/heart rate then reduce your dosage. Using it daily and consistently will yield much better results over using it only as needed. You may find you need less over time as your cells become saturated with cannabinoids. CBD acts on 60 different molecular pathways so consistent use may give us an edge in overall heath and feeling of wellbeing and balance.